• A homeowner is required to provide a 4 point to the insurance company. The 4-point inspection views 4 components in the home: Electrical, HVAC, Roof and Plumbing. Insurance companies want to know if these components are well maintained. The 4-point inspection is required in the state of Florida for a house that is 20 years and older. This inspection looks for any type of hazards and defects for these 4 areas. For example, the electrical wiring and HVAC should be properly installed. Wiring should not be exposed, which could lead to a fire. The HVAC system should not leak condensation on walls and floors causing damage to finish content that could lead to mold growth. Plumbing should be properly installed without defects and leaks. Water heaters should be in good condition and not rusted; also, roof should be in good condition.   

    These 4 major systems are required to be satisfactory for the insurance company to provide coverage to the homeowner.